Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Practices for Businesses: Tip #1: Adopt a Social Media Policy

According to a February 14, 2011 article on "social media is predicted to see one of the biggest increases in online marketing spending this year."  With that in mind, businesses need to adopt and implement a social media policy.  In fact, they should implement two policies: one for all employees, and another for those employees responsible for official social media communications on behalf of the business.

Some businesses may say that there's no need to have a social media policy because they aren't officially engaged in social media.  Even if a business doesn't officially participate in social media, you can bet its employees are on Facebook or Twitter.  They're definitely using social media after work, but probably using it during working hours, too.  Their unofficial use of social media makes it important for businesses to set some guidelines.

Businesses should consider adopting two separate policies:

1.  A social media policy for ALL employees.  Businesses should provide all employees general guidelines on certain matters, for example: keeping business matters confidential, affirming that employees should have no expectation of privacy for anything posted on a publicly-accessible site, and reminding employees that they should clarify that any opinion expressed is made in their individual capacity, not on behalf of their employer.  In light of a recent NLRB settlement with a Connecticut ambulance company who discliplined an employee for making negative comments about her employer on Facebook, businesses should be very reluctant to limit employees' right to discuss the terms of their employment (like wages and conditions).  Businesses should adopt this policy even if they do not officially engage in social media as a company.

2.  A policy for employees responsible for official social media communications of the business.  Those employees responsible for communicating on behalf of the company through social media need guidelines.  They need to know what is acceptable language, how to respond to negative reviews of the business, and their responsibilities when inviting user generated content.  There are laws governing marketing to minors and regulations requiring disclosure of any material connection between a blogger and a business.  These are just a few of the items a business should consider when crafting its social media policy.

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